Genders in Transition: Masculinities, Affects, and Bodies

Paco Abril

Doctor in Information and Knowledge Society from the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and a degree in Sociology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He currently teaches sociology at the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the University of Girona and of Gender and Society in the Degree in Humanities and Social Sciences at the UOC.

Since 2004 he has participated in research projects, both state and international, on masculinities. The themes on which he has worked focus on the change and transition of men towards dissident and alternative models of masculinity. He has worked on paternity, co-responsibility and co-education. 

He combines her teaching and research side with activism in men’s associations for equality (Homes Igualitaris, AHIGE) where he develops awareness and training projects with young people and diverse groups of men  

Recent Publications

Abril, P. (2018) Configuración y (re)significación de las masculinidades y paternidades en hombres comprometidos con los cuidados de sus hijos/as en España. QuAderns, nº34

Enguix, B.; Nardini, K.; Abril, P. (2018) Hombres en movimiento. Masculinidades en revisión QuAderns, nº34

Jurado-Guerrero, T.; Monferrer, J.; Botía-Morillas, C.; Abril, P. (2018) Formal and informal workplace support for new fathers in Spain In Musumeci, R. & Santero, A. Fathers Chilcare and Work. UK: Emerald Publishing

Bogino, V.; Jurado-Guerrero, T.Botía-Morillas, C.; Monferrer, J.M; Abril, P. (2021). ¿Cómo interactúan la orientación personal, los acuerdos de pareja y la cultura organizacional en el logro de paternidades cuidadoras? Empiria. Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales, 51, 125-152. DOI/ empiria.51.2021.30810

Feu, J. ; Casademont, X.; Abril, P. (in press). Is another democracy possible in schools? Challenges to create a truly democratic school . Education, Citizenship and Social Justice.

Recent congres’ comunications

No hay lugar para negros: manteros en Barcelona (No place for blacks: “manteros” in Barcelona. Authors: Paco Abril & Begonya Enguix

International Sociological Association, Toronto (Canada), July 15-21, 2018

Father-Friendly Workplaces: Possibilities and Barriers for Balancing Male Work and Involvement in the Care of Children. Authors: Paco Abril, Teresa Jurado-Guerrero, Victoria Bogino, Carmen Botia-Morillas y Jordi Monferrer

International Sociological Association, Toronto (Canada), July 15-21, 2018

How do fathers adapt their work to become involved in chilcare?. Gender differences for Work-life balance in workplaces in Spain. Authors: Paco Abril, Teresa Jurado-Guerrero, Carmen Botia-Morillas y Jordi Monferrer

European Sociological Association (ESA), Athens, Greece, 29 August-1 September

Recent research projects


Culture of care. Creating and Strengthening a Supportive Environment for Male Victims of Sexualized Violence. Funded by EU


Groups of Men for a responsible, active and conscious fatherhood. Analysis of the intervention of the SAH (Service of Attention to Men of the City council of Barcelona). Financed by Barcelona City Council. Main research.

2016- 2019

Gender and post-gender: mapping meanings (for social transformation). Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology


Working time, fatherhood and childhood. How can we promote the implication of the parents in the care and maintain gender equality from company policies? Funded by Ministry of Economy and Enterprise

Press appareances


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