LAUNCH AND BOOK PRESENTATION! “Pride, Protest, Business and other LGBT drifts'” by Begonya Enguix Grau

23 September, 2019

We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming book presentation of ‘Pride, Protest, Business and other LGBT drifts‘ by Begonya Enguix Grau that will take place on October 8th in Madrid and October 10th in Barcelona.
We hope we can count on your presence. 


October 8th, 2019. 7:30pm. Centro Asociativo Pedro Zerolo, Sede de COGAM. Calle de la Puebla, 9, 28004. Madrid


October 10th, 2019. 7:00pm. Sala Pi i Sunyer de l´Institut d´Estudis Catalans (IEC). Carrer del Carme 47, 08001. Barcelona

‘Pride, protest, business and other LGBT drifts’. First book based on an ethnography of Pride, details its political implications and raises new perspectives from the 4 factors that articulate it and influence the way we think about LGBT realities: the body, activism, politics and the market.

Begonya Enguix Grau. Doctor in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). She is a professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). In 1993 she defended her doctoral thesis Power and Desire. Male homosexuality in Valencia published in 1996 by Alfons el Magnánim Press.
She was a pioneer in incorporating gender, sexuality and LGBT studies into Anthropology Studies of our country and in carrying out ethnographic work on the subject.
In 2019 she was awarded the Aigner Rollet Guest Professorship in Gender Studies at the University of Graz (Austria)



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