Birgit Sauer
Birgit Sauer is em. professor of Political Science at the University of Vienna. From 2018 to 2022 she was deputy speaker of the research platform “GAIN – Gender and Ambivalent In_Visibilites”. Her research fields include right-wing populism and gender, migration and gender, feminist state theory, and politics of emotions and affects. She was member of several EU research projects, including projects on right-wing populism and media, gender and right-wing populism, violence against women, gender, migration and religion. She also conducted research on affective state transformation. Recent publications include: Otto Penz and Birgit Sauer: Governing Affects: Neoliberalism, Neo-Bureaucracies, and Service Work, Routledge 2020. This book theorizes the role of affect for state transformation and explores governing through affects in Austrian and German state administration. The latest book Birgit Sauer and Otto Penz: Konjunktur der Männlichkeit. Affektive Strategien der autoritären Rechten, Campus 2023 (Conjuncture of masculinity. Affective strategies of the authoritarian right) explores the affectivity of “masculinist identity politics” of authoritarian right parties and movements in Austria and Germany.