Security tips to bear in mind when using USB chargers


These days, USB is the world’s most widely used type of connector, and is also used for charging mobiles, tablets and other kinds of personal electronic devices. So, it is no wonder that retail establishments, bars and restaurants and even public transport offers us charging services for these devices which use USB sockets. However, what can be a support service providing added value has become a potential source of attacks on the security and privacy of our data.

For greater protection when charging your devices with a USB charger in an unfamiliar place, in addition to configuring the software, follow the security tips that Helena Rifà, Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, shares on the Faculty’s Tecnología ++ blog.

Cybersecurity attacks on our personal devices are becoming increasingly important. Mobiles and tablets contain all kinds of personal details and access to sensitive data. That is why new attacks trying to steal or manipulate this information take place every day. With this in mind, we remind everyone making their first e-working request of the importance of completing our e-working security training to understand the compulsory rules aimed at reducing risks when working outside of the UOC’s buildings.

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