Scholarships, fellowships, and internships in Diplomacy and International Relations

application scholarship diplomacy International relations

We know that finding scholarships and job opportunities in International Organizations can be tiring and challenging. We bring you some of the most prestigious scholarships, fellowships, and internships in Diplomacy and International Relations. Students ought to look at them frequently, as the deadline varies with each opportunity.

First, we encourage you to read the following document on the core competencies and values of the United Nations and to visit the following website on careers, A full list of job openings in all the United Nations and major international organizations is available here. ​​

We recommend you to visit the website “International Relations Careers” where you can find jobs, scholarships, and internships opportunities.

There are other websites with interesting scholarships, such as the website “”. They have a specific tab for International Affairs Scholarships.

Some specific websites and scholarships we highly recommend are the following:

  1. The World Bank Scholarships Program. They have different scholarships for international relations. There are two active programs: Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJWBGSP) and the Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program (RSMFP)
  2. Türkiye Scholarships. Those scholarships are given to international students in many fields. As stated in their website, it is aimed to develop mutual cooperation between Turkey and other countries and to contribute to regional and global development in many fields from academia to art, from economy to literature, technology to architecture.
  3. Global Korea Scholarship – Funded by Korean Government is another opportunity for international students to study any program in any level (undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate level).
  4. The Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships (QECS) is a fantastic chance to study a two-year Master’s degree in a low or middle-income Commonwealth country. As stated in their website, the scholarships are aimed at students who are committed to creating change—both in their home countries and those that host them.
  5. If you are thinking about studying a Master’s degree in the UK, then you ought to consider the Chevening Scholarships. Those are  fully-funded scholarships, which allow students to focus on their studies and their professional growth. They also have some fellowships (Chevening Fellowships) which are an important element of Britain’s public diplomacy effort and are aimed to mid-career leaders and influencers from across the globe.
  6. The Japan Africa Dream Scholarship Program (JADS) offers the opportunity to African students to study a Master’s degree in priority development areas in Africa and in Japan. Some main areas of study of the scholarship include energy, agriculture, health, environmental sustainability, and engineering.
  7. The New Zealand Government offers the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarships for international students: the Selection 2023 application portal is anticipated to open in March 2023, for study in 2024. Applications will be accepted from scholars in eligible countries across the Pacific, Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.
  8. The Australia Awards Scholarships offers the opportunity to study in an Australian higher education institution, including full tuition fees, air travel-payment, an allowance for books, study material, the student health cover and a pre-course English, among others.
  9. If you are thinking of entering the world of diplomacy and public policy, an internship at the United Nations could be the ideal start for you.
  10. Finally, we would like to recommend you the Human Rights Career website as they post jobs, internships, scholarships and careers in Human Rights, International Relations and Diplomacy.

Those are just some of them. There are more scholarships and some are given by your home country. We hope that helps you in your search and your professional career.

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Autor / Autora
Graduado en Derecho por la Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla y Máster en Derecho Público y de la Administración Pública por la Universidad de Jaén; Máster Universitario en Dirección y Liderazgo Públicos por la Universidad de Vigo; Doctorando en Derecho Internacional Público por la Universidad de Jaén.  Posee más de 6 años de experiencia como funcionario de la Administración de Justicia y actualmente es Jefe de Sección en la Vicesecretaría General Técnica del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación de España. Además, es tutor del máster de International Affairs and Diplomacy (UOC, UNITAR). 
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