Projects led by AGORA:
Euryka Project: Reinventing Democracy in Europe: Youth Doing Politics in Times of Increasing Inequalities. (Work Package: Social Network Analysis):
EURYKA aims to study the relations between inequalities and young people’s ways of doing politics and to advance scenarios for future democratic models and political systems in Europe that are more inclusive for young people.
Projects participated by AGORA:
A les fronteres de l’urbà: despossessió, resiliència i resistència en espais urbans extrems [RESDERES]
This project addresses growing social inequalities expressed in extreme urban areas. Poverty, segregation, trauma and the state of a degraded environment are characteristic of excellent spaces for the recovery of their situation, since there is no implication from their own residents to the creation. of new socio-spatial practices.
Red financiada por el Instituto de la Mujer. Próximo congreso octubre 2019
WAWW: Where are women in Wikypedia?