Meet a teacher – Part 2

4 de septiembre de 2018

Previously in this blog we met Nelson Pringle who works on our C1 English courses. In this post we’ll meet Sue Mellor. Sue has taught on the UOC since 2005 on our B2.1 level course, also known as IM I. You can find out more about Sue here…

Can you tell us about your self?

I came to Spain with my husband after finishing university. We’ve always lived in Barcelona except for when we went to South America, where we lived and worked in Ecuador for a couple of years. That was a really exciting time and we had a lot of adventures. We are both from the UK but we actually got married in Sitges and our lives were completely changed a few years ago when had our daughter Amber.

Quito in Ecuador. We have some fantastic memories of working in Equador. Source@Wikimedia commons

What do you do in your free time?

We visited Machu Picchu while we were living in South America. It was simply amazing! Source@Wikimedia commons

We love the outdoors and we try to get out of the city and go walking and camping in the countryside as much as possible. Now that we have Amber we still love to get away, but these days we have to balance that with Amber’s very busy social life as there’s always an event or birthday party for her to go to!

What’s a typical working day for you?

I also work as a face-to-face teacher, an examiner and an examiner trainer, so I often have other work to do.  I normally work on the UOC in the morning after Amber has gone to school and then in the afternoon I do my other teaching and examining work. 

Do you have any advice for students who are studying on our language courses?

A really good thing with learning English online at the UOC is that students get the chance to practise speaking and get feedback from their teacher. This can really help them to improve.  It’s really good for students to practise what they are going to say but they shouldn’t try to memorise it as this limits what help and advice the teacher can give them.

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