Taking your language teaching online: Part 4


Taking your language teaching online: Part 3

Ideas for group work and collaboration Many teachers and institutions are struggling to move their entire courses and programs online in an effort to minimize the effects of COVID-19. However, while many teachers think synchronous[…]


Taking your language teaching online: Part 2

Making instructional videos Since the COVID-19 situation began, many teachers have had to move their teaching online to continue offering education to their students. For those of you who haven’t sat in front of a[…]

Taking your language teaching online: Part 1 General

Taking your language teaching online: Part 1

Forum discussions in Moodle Before the COVID-19 outbreak, many of you were already using Moodle with your students. This may have been for providing students with extra resources or for letting them know about assignments[…]

Très chère Claire Posts en français

Très chère Claire

Tu t’es éteinte le 10 février dernier. Tu sais, normalement, je ne suis pas du genre à employer des euphémismes ou des métaphores gnangnans du style disparaître, nous quitter ou, pire encore, rejoindre les étoiles.[…]

Spring has sprung Posts in English

Spring has sprung

 ‘Spring has sprung’ is a popular expression. We say it when the winter is over and suddenly plants start to grow with new life.  Many people in Barcelona grow plants in window boxes and spring[…]