Let there be light

12 de February de 2018


Source: wikimedia commonsLight festivals in cities are now all the rage. Modern advances in light technology have made these large-scale art installations possible, and the results are stunning. Barcelona holds its own light event in the middle of February (16th – 18th) called the “Festival Llum” to celebrate Santa Eulàlia. But what is a light festival and what can you expect if you attend one?  In this post, we’ll look at some popular light festivals.

December: Festival of Lights (Fête des Lumières) in Lyon France


In Lyon, the origin of the Fête des Lumières dates back to a festival which celebrated the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin.  However, in 1852 there was a huge storm which stopped the festival from taking place. When the weather cleared people spontaneously put candles in their windows to celebrate. That humble event was the origin of the modern day light festival, not only in Lyon, but all over the world.

January: Lumiere Light Festival in the UK


The Lumiere Light Festival only began in 2009 and is actually part of a travelling light festival in the UK.  It is the work of a creative company called Artichoke and it was inspired by the Festival of Lights in Lyon. In 2016 and 2018 it was held in London where it attracted huge crowds and was an enormous success.

February: Festival Llum in Barcelona


February sees Barcelona’s streets transformed into a huge art project. In previous years, the old quarter and Plaça St. Jaume were central to this event. With such a beautiful backdrop, the art was simply amazing! In 2018, the venue will change to a different part of the city called Poble Nou.

So what are you waiting for? Find an event near you and see how urban areas can be turned into inspiring works of art.

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