Seminari Recerca «Big Data and Data Protection»
29/04/2017El proper dijous dia 4 de maig de 2017 a les 13:00 hores tindrà lloc una nova sessió del Seminari de Recerca dels Estudis de Dret i Ciència Política de la UOC, a la sala -1A de la seu de la UOC a Castelldefels (Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, nº 5, Edifici B3). El Seminari Recerca porta el títol «Big Data and Data Protection», i anirà a càrrec del Dr. Alessandro Mantelero, professor de dret a la Universitat Politècnica de Torí (Itàlia).
Seminar: Big Data and Data Protection (A. Mantelero)
This seminar focuses on big data analytics and the critical issues posed by this form of data processing. The first part deals with the challenges concerning the application of the traditional principles and notions of data protection in the big data context.
Against this background, the second part discusses the different solutions that have been proposed to address the data protection issues that arise from the use of analytics. In this vein, the section outlines and analyses the debate on big data regulation which is ongoing in Europe. A comparison is made between the different approaches adopted by the European Union, in Regulation 2016/679, and the Council of Europe, in the Guidelines on Big Data.
The overview of these different perspectives sheds light on the limits of the existing regulatory framework and, in this vein, the third part discusses the different proposals made by legal scholars to address these limits. The suggestion is to go beyond the individual dimension of data protection and take into account the collective interests that should be safeguarded in the big data context, where information is used to predict and have an influence on the behaviour of groups of individuals.
The adoption of the broader notion of collective data protection should lead legislators and data controllers to implement a different model of risk assessment, more focused on the values that should inspire the use of data. In this sense, the last part outlines a new model of assessment (PESIA – Privacy Ethical and Social Impact Assessment), which is no longer primarily focused on data security and takes also into account the ethical and social implications of the uses of personal data.
Alessandro Mantelero is professor of Law at the Polytechnic University of Turin, where he teaches Private Law (U), Innovation and International Transactions law (G), and Technology & law by design (PhD).
At the Polytechnic University of Turin, he is faculty fellow at the Nexa Center for Internet and Society, and programme coordinator of the Double Degree program in Management and IP Law (Polytechnic University of Turin and Tongji University of Shanghai).
In 2016, he was appointed expert consultant by the Council of Europe to draft the Guidelines on personal data in a world of Big Data (2017).
He is part-time expert at the School of Public Administration at Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology and has held visiting appointments at Harvard University (Berkman Center for Internet & Society), University of Oxford (Oxford Internet Institute), Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology (School of Public Administration) and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, Faculty of Law and Political Science).
His publications and research interests cover the field of law & technology, with a special focus on data protection, big data, AI, IoT and smart cities.
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