Crisis, Otherness and Representation

Ferran de Vargas

BA in Political Science (Universitat de Barcelona), MA in Studies of China and Japan (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) and PhD in Intercultural Studies (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), he has also counducted research stays at Kobe University and the University of Edinburgh. His research focuses on the intersection between aesthetic practices (especially cinema) and political ideologies in modern Japan. His most significant research outputs include the publication of the book Izquierda y revolución. Una historia política del Japón de posguerra (1945-1972) (2020, Edicions Bellaterra) about the political history of post-war Japan, the co-edition of the special issue Japanese cinema in the 1960s for the journal The Sixties (2021), and articles for other academic journals such as positions: asia critiqueArtsL’Atalante and Estudios de Asia y África. 
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