Anne-Marie Guillemard

Anne-Marie Guillard is Emeritus Professor of sociology at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, University of Paris Descartes Sorbonne, honorarium member of the Institut Universitaire de France, member of the Academia Europaea, the European Network of Excellence “Civil Society and New Forms of Governance in Europe” (CINEFOGO), and the European research consortium ASPA “Activating Senior Potential in Ageing Europe” (7thFP). She sits on the editorial boards of the Revue française de sociologie, Ageing and Society, Hallym International Journal of Aging (Baywood Publishing Company) and Retraite et Société. Her work on international comparisons of welfare policies, retirement systems and employment is widely recognized. Her research focuses on questions related to age and employment, age management in public and entrepreneurial policies, the generational contract and reforms of the welfare states. Among her most recent works are the following:

Social Policies and Citizenship, The Changing Landscape, (edited with A. Evers) Oxford University Press,  2012;
Les défis du vieillissement, Age, Emploi, Retraite, Perspectives internationales, Armand Colin 2010;
Où va la protection sociale ? Presses Universitaires de France 2008;
The Changing Face of Welfare, (edited with) J. Goul- Andersen, P. Jensen, B. Pfau-Effinger. Bristol,  Policy Press (2005);
Among her most recent chapters: “Prolonging Working life in an Aging world: A cross-national Perspective on Labor Market and Welfare Policies Toward Active Aging”, in Field, Burke, Cooper (eds), The SAGE Handbook of Aging, Work and Society, SAGE, London, 2013.
« Un cursus vital mas flexible. Nuevos riesgos y desfios para la proteccion social » Recerca Revistat de pensamiet i analisi, numéro spécial, Curso vital, Viejas estructures y nuevos retos, Universitat Jaume, Spain, n°9, 2009.


The ageing of the population and increasing longevity do not just raise questions about pensions and Welfare state sustainability. These approaches are much too restrictive. The ageing of the population does not just mean that the proportion of persons over the age of 60 or of the elderly is on the rise. It also affects the age pyramid of the economically active population. The ageing of the workforce is a gigantic challenge for developed societies; its scope has not been sufficiently evaluated. Moreover a longer life and demographic ageing mean that we have to reconsider the way we used to organize time and ages through the life course. A new age management is required addressing age diversity and generations synergy instead of targeting age-groups. Through case countries studies we will defend the idea that it is possible to turn the challenges of an ageing population into opportunities by developing social investment strategies. Investing in human capital all over the life course will result in supporting and promoting the autonomy of individuals and their aptitudes throughout their life course. As a result global ageing may generate growth and not only through the development of the silver economy. In this respect global ageing might represent an opportunity for building a society for all ages one with more social cohesion, solidarity and attention to diversity. The way to achieve this goal is not easy. It calls for promoting a multidimensional preventive social investment strategy.


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