Discourse analysis of affected people and mental health professionals



State of the art in metaphor and health:

  • Climent, S. & M. Coll-Florit (2023). “Metaphor in Health Discourse and Communication”. In Paul Crawford & Paul Kadetz (Eds.) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Health Humanities, 1-9. Springer Nature: New York. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-26825-1_16-1

Structure and applications of The Mental Health Metaphor Dictionary:

  • Coll-Florit, M. & Climent (2023). “Metaphor repositories: the case of The Mental Health Dictionary”, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, Advance Article October 2023: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqad058

Metaphors of depression:

  • Coll-Florit, M., S. Climent, M. Sanfilippo, E. Hernández (2021). “Metaphors of depression. Studying first-person accounts of life with depression published in blogs”, Metaphor and Symbol, 36:1, 1-19. DOI: 10.1080/10926488.2020.1845096. PDF

Metaphors of mental illness by patients and mental health professionals:

  • Coll-Florit M., S. Climent (2022). “Enemies or Obstacles? Metaphors of War and Journey in Mental Health Discourse”, Metaphor and the Social World, 12:2, 181-203. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/msw.21035.col
  • Coll-Florit, M., A. Oliver, S. Climent (2021). “Metaphors of mental illness: a corpus-based approach analysing first person accounts of patients and mental health professionals”, Culture, Language and Representation, vol. 25, 85-104. PDF
Mental health metaphors in Twitter:
  • Correa-Urquiza, M., A. Pié, M. Coll-Florit, E. Hernández, S. Climent (2020). “Orgullo loco y metáforas para una disidencia: un análisis lingüístico y simbólico” [Mad pride and metaphors for dissidence: a linguistic and symbolic analysis]. Salud Colectiva, 16: e288. PDF

Manual metaphor detection and codification method:

  • Coll-Florit, M. & S. Climent (2019). “A new methodology for conceptual metaphor detection and formulation in corpora. A case study on a mental health corpus”, SKY Journal of Linguistics, vol. 32, 43-74. PDF

Computational metaphor identification:

  • Torres Rivera, A., A. Oliver, M. Coll-Florit (2020). “Metaphoricity Detection in Adjective-Noun Pairs”, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 64, 53-60. PDF
  • Torres Rivera, A., A. Oliver, S. Climent, M. Coll-Florit (2020). “Neural Metaphor Detection with a Residual biLSTM-CRF Model”, Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing (ACL 2020), 197-203. PDF

Metaphors of schizophrenia in documentaries:

  • Coll-Florit, M., X. Miranda, S. Climent (2019). “Metáforas de la esquizofrenia. Un estudio sobre el discurso de afectados y profesionales” [Metaphors of schizophrenia. Study on the discourse of sufferers and professionals], Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada (RESLA) / Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics (SJAL), 32:1, 1-31. PDF

Project overview:

  • Coll-Florit, M., S. Climent, M. Correa-Urquiza, E. Hernández, A. Oliver, A. Pié (2018). “Proyecto MOMENT: Metáforas del trastorno mental grave. Análisis del discurso de personas afectadas y profesionales de la salud mental” [MOMENT Project: Metaphors of severe mental disorder. Discourse analysis of affected people and mental health professionals], Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 61, 139-142. PDF


  • Coll-Florit, M., S. Climent & E. Hernández (2021). Las metáforas de los pacientes con depresión revelan sus «enemigos sociales» [Metaphors of patients with depression reveal their «social enemies»]. Mente & Cerebro, núm. 110, 42-43. WEB 
  • Sanfilippo, M., M. Coll-Florit & S. Climent (2021). Luchando contra el estigma sin detener el viaje [Fighting stigma without stopping the journey]. Blog of Arts and Humanities of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), 29/09/2021. (in Spanish and Catalan) WEB 
  • Coll-Florit, M. (2019). Conceptual Metaphors, Mental Health and the MOMENT Project. Blog of Catalan Language and Literature of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), 18/03/2019. (in Catalan) WEB
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