K-riptography and Information Security for Open Networks


  • David Megías, finalist in the third edition of the VALORTEC ideas contest (2013) of the Agency for Business Competitiveness (ACCIÓ, Generalitat de Catalunya) for the commercialization of the watermarking PCT/EP2013/074971  patent of audio watermarking.
  • Best paper award A. Qureshi, H. Rifà-Pous and D. Megías, “Electronic Payment and Encouraged Cooperation in a Secure and Privacy-preserving P2P Content Distribution System. Seventh International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA 2015).
  • Montserrat Batet-Sanromà. Prize Dona TIC 2016 (most prominent female ICT researcher in Catalonia in 2016) awarded by “Tertúlia Digital” and smartCAT of the Generality of Catalonia, and the Observatori Dona, Empresa i Economia (ODEE), 2016
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