Ein Fest der Form und Funktionalität: 100 Jahre BAUHAUS

Ennuyeux à  mourir Posts en français

Ennuyeux à mourir

J’ai toujours aimé parler avec les morts. J’ai commencé à le faire à 19 ans sur les conseils de mon voisin, médium de son état, à qui j’avais commenté dans l’ascenseur les manifestations paranormales dont[…]

Posts in English

Mary Beard in Barcelona

On October 30th this year, the UOC proudly awarded an honary degree (“honoris causa”) to the British academic Mary Beard.  The vice-rector of the UOC Pastora Martínez Samper and the rector Josep Planell presented Mary[…]


Llibres electrònics bilingües

Els professors Ana Guerberof (Dublin City University), Antonio Toral (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) i Antoni Oliver (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) estan duent a terme una recerca sobre l’experiència lectora de llibres electrònic bilingües. Han preparat una petita[…]

Beach life! Posts in English

Beach life!

“Sunshine is the best medicine” so the saying goes. You can produce Vitamin D by being in the sun and maybe this is one of the reasons that going to the beach in the summer[…]

Anyone for tennis? Posts in English

Anyone for tennis?

Tennis is one of the most popular sports today and Wimbledon is one of the most famous tennis tournaments. The first Wimbledon was in 1877 and it is usually at the beginning of July. It[…]