Are you a shooista? Do you sharent?

11 de gener de 2017


trump new wordHow many words are there in the English language? Isn’t that an impossible question to answer? Every year new words are introduced and other words leave the dictionary. This post’s title has two words that appeared for the first time in 2016. Read on to find out what they mean. 

Internet is largely responsible for the ever increasing amount of new words that enter the language. Most of the new words that appear each year are connected with it in some way. Think, for example of the words “hacker”  “blog” or “click”; these are all commonly used words nowadays.

The fact that the English vocabulary gets bigger every year might be bad news if you are a student of English, but the good part is that before long the words will probably be introduced into your own language and you will already know them. Think of the word “selfie”, which we all use quite freely when we speak French, Spanish or German for example.

 The Collins dictionary has  published the top ten words for 2016. They include “Brexit” and “Trumpism”.  Watch the video below to find out more about Brexit and the words which may be made from it in the future.

“Uberization” is another new word that joined the dictionary in 2016. Can you guess what it means? Words such as “shooista”, “ringxiety”, and “sharenting” are in the dictionary too.

I am definitely a shooista and suffer from ringxiety. Have a look at some of the new words for 2016 here and “google” (an official new word in 2006) the others to find out what they mean. Don’t forget to let us know which word you will be incorporating into your everyday language in 2017.

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