Todas las entradas


Urban Morphology in Mexico City by Jordi Sanchez-Cuenca

Urban Morphology in Mexico City by Jordi Sanchez-Cuenca Mexico City is a giant laboratory of urban morphology. Its 20 million residents live in neighborhoods based on a wide spectrum of plans. Here are some examples.


City of Los Angeles & Communities (2004)

City of Los Angeles & Communities (2004)


Video: Urban Age London’12: The Electric City

Urban Age London’12: The Electric City Live coverage: YouTube videos The Urban Age Programme, jointly organised with Deutsche Bank’s Alfred Herrhausen Society, is an international investigation of the spatial and social dynamics of cities centred[…]


Cita: Jan Gehl

The rejection of mono-functional areas is a prerequisite for the integration of various types of people and activities. Jan Gehl (via dyatica)


World´s fastest and slowest growing metropolitan economies

World´s fastest and slowest growing metropolitan economies – via humanscalecities