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Video: Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh City A time lapse by Rob Whitworth. – via smartercities

NotasTodas las entradas

The Street Plans Collaborative

The Street Plans Collaborative The Street Plans Collaborative is an urban planning, design, and research-advocacy firm. We strive to create high-quality public spaces, and believe that the key to reversing the harmful effects of suburban[…]

NotasTodas las entradas

Construir ciudad en la periferia  – Ramón López de Lucio

Construir ciudad en la periferia. Ramón López de Lucio (2007) by Paisaje Transversal Construir ciudad en la periferia  – Ramón López de Lucio Gracias a Paisaje Transversal por #TXTespaciopublico /via bibliotecaextraordinaria (Source:

NotasTodas las entradas

Teju Cole | public space

Teju Cole | public space Escritor, historiador y fotógrago, USA. Source: public space: Espacios compartidos con… Teju Cole (Source:

NotasTodas las entradas

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability ICLEI promotes local action for global sustainability and supports cities to become sustainable, resilient, resource-efficient, biodiverse, low-carbon; to build a smart infrastructure; and to develop an inclusive, green urban[…]