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The Golden Age of Gondolas Might Be Just Around the Corner

massurban: The Atlantic Cities:  The Golden Age of Gondolas Might Be Just Around the Corner Henry Grabar. April 9, 2013 Laugh all you want (or cower in fear), but cable-drawn aerial transportation just might be[…]

ArtículosCiudad, inseguridad y conflictoPolíticas públicas y derecho a la ciudadTodas las entradas

El oráculo S&P

Dedicat a l’Agustí Vehi. Empordanés il·lustrat i bon amic Estamos, al parecer, ante un cambio de discurso por parte de las sectas financieras en el poder. Durante los primeros años de la actual crisis económica, los “expertos”[…]

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Jane Jacobs: Neighborhoods in Action

Here’s an interview with Jane Jacobs in 2003, three years before she died, where she talks about how to design healthy neighborhoods where people walk, bike, and get to know each other. My favorite part:[…]

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México. Aglomeración urbana.

México. Aglomeración urbana.

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Cita: Diana Lind – Imagining Cities Without Highways

It’s hard to create cohesive, connected communities when there are giant roads dividing neighborhoods. It’s time to revitalize our cities by removing the highways. – Diana Lind Imagining Cities Without Highways | Co.Exist: World changing ideas[…]