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México. Aglomeración urbana.

México. Aglomeración urbana.

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Cita: Diana Lind – Imagining Cities Without Highways

It’s hard to create cohesive, connected communities when there are giant roads dividing neighborhoods. It’s time to revitalize our cities by removing the highways. – Diana Lind Imagining Cities Without Highways | Co.Exist: World changing ideas[…]

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Cita: Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities

Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody. – Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities Visto en Embracing the Autocatalytic City[…]

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Web municipal de participació de l’Ajuntament de Tavernes de la Valldigna | Presentació

Web municipal de participació de l’Ajuntament de Tavernes de la Valldigna | Presentació Benvinguts al web municipal de participació de l’Ajuntament de Tavernes de la Valldigna. Aquest lloc sorgeix amb l’objectiu de crear un espai[…]

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We Own The City Festival

We Own The City publicdesignfestival: After Amsterdam, Marseille and Brussels, the touring exhibition WeOwnTheCity has opened today in Hong Kong (China). Researched and co-curated by CITES, it showcases innovative community practices and different approaches tailored[…]