Capçalera GRECIL amb logos UB i UOC
Cognition and Language Research Group

Get trained with us

Do your doctoral degree with us:

UOC doctoral programme in Health and Psychology – Neuroscience and Language Disorders (UOC)

UOC doctoral programme in Education and ICT (E-learning)–Technologies for Supporting Teaching and Learning (UOC)

 – UB Doctoral Programme in Clinical Health Psychology – Psicobiología y Procesos Básicos (UB)

UB Doctoral Programme in Brain, Cognition and Behavior (UB)

UB Doctoral Programme in Language and Cognitive Science (UB)


We teach bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees and postgraduate courses:

Bachelor’s degrees:

Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology (UB)

Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology (UOC)

Joint Bachelor’s Degree in Speech and Language Therapy (UVic-UCC, UOC)

Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education (UOC)

Bachelor’s Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (UB)

Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science and Technology (UB)


Master’s degrees and postgraduate courses:

University Master’s Degree in Learning Difficulties and Language Disorders (UOC)

Master’s Degree in Child Neuropsychology (UB/HSJD)

Master’s Degree in Cognitive and Social Therapy (UB)

Postgraduate Studies in Feminism and Psychotherapy (UB)

Master’s Degree in Early Care (UB)

Master’s Degree in Research Behavior and Cognition (UB)

Master’s Degree in Medicines, Health and the Healthcare System (UB)


Training for families and professionals:

Our research group offers a range of training options for professionals from practical fields (speech therapy, psychology, education) to ensure their continuous theoretical training and its application to their professional practice (evidence-based practice), as well as providing tools for assessment and intervention in children with learning difficulties or language/developmental disorders. Some of our past trainings include:

  • Improving oral skills in early childhood education: multimodal inclusive intervention programme to improve oral skills. Training for teachers and speech therapy/psychopedagogy/psychology professionals as part of the Ministry of Education programme “Tenim la Paraula” [The Word Is Ours]. October-February 2021.
  • Administration of the CELF-4 and CELF-5 oral language assessment tests. CREDA Jordi Perelló. Barcelona. March 2021.
  • Assessment of oral language with the CELF-2 Preschool tests. CDIAP Manresa. Barcelona. January 2021.
  • Developmental language disorder (specific language impairment): from research to practice. AELFA. Barcelona. February 2020.
  • Developmental language disorder: detection, assessment and intervention. CDIAP Manresa. June 2019.

We also host workshops and talks for the families of children with learning difficulties and language/developmental disorders to provide support and evidence-based strategies for them to use in day-to-day life.

For more information about this type of training, email us at:


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