adolescents mental health literacy through social media


Learning ecologies in digital mental health in adolescents in Barcelona. Contents and formats through social networks (eHealthLit4Teen).

The main objective of the project is to analyze digital mental health literacy and the dynamics of communication on social networks about mental health issues among adolescents in Barcelona in order to propose an intervention through secondary school. To do this, in a first phase, the level and processes of digital mental health literacy in the educational community will be analyzed, processes that are addressed through the analysis of learning ecologies, and the mechanisms of virality of mental health content aimed at adolescents on social networks. Based on these results, a digital mental health literacy programme will be designed and, finally, a feasibility analysis will be carried out. 

This interdisciplinary project aims to explore in depth the key elements and agents, as well as the mechanisms of virality that make it possible to broaden the impact and reach of the professional mental health resources available to the adolescent community. 

Duration: 2022 – 2025

Funding: Proyecto PID2021-127129OB-I00 de investigación financiado por MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ y por FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa


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